JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Narhe, Pune

Accredited by NAAC With an 'A' Grade
Institute Code : 6755
S No 12-1-2 and 12-2-2 Narhe, Taluka- Haveli, Near Sanas Crane, Pune-Bangalore Highway, Pune, Maharashtra 411041
Landmark: Navale Bridge, Behind Swami-narayan Temple Narhe
Approved By AICTE & Affiliated To Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Engineering Science

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Engineering Science

The Department of Engineering Sciences was established in 2011, comprises 23 multi-disciplinary faculty members mainly related to Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Civil Engineering, Basic Electrical Engineering, Basic Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Engineering. The department has well equipped laboratories which enable faculty and students to apply fundamental knowledge to create innovative new technologies. All the subjects of First year engineering are taught by our well qualified and experienced faculty members. Department of Engineering Sciences runs an exclusive Guardian Faculty Member (GFM) Scheme. Each faculty is taking care of a group of 20 students. Our team of FE staff is continuously involved in student centered activities. Daily each GFM interact telephonically with the parents of students those who are absent on the day or even for a single lecture. They also interact directly with the parents of respective student once in a week and share the progress of the students. Personal care of students is being taken by faculty members so that they feel homely environment


Mrs. Uma Prakash Wattamwar

Assistant Professor



Mrs. Manisha Sandip Patil

Assistant Professor



Ms. Rupali Ravindra Karmalkar

Assistant Professor



Ms. Bhosale Pradnya Shivaji

Assistant Professor

M.Sc. Mathematics


Ms. Priyanka.n.sabale

Assistant Professor



Mr. Prakash Gajendra Thorat

Assistant Professor

M.Sc. (Math) SET


Mrs. Kamini Shantanu Puranik

Assistant Professor

MCA management


Mr. Abhishek Prabhakar Nimbekar

Assistant Professor

ME structure


Mrs. Kajal Pratesh Mane

Assistant Professor



To nurture students to succeed in industry & technical profession through institute-industry Interaction. To provide students with a solid foundation in engineering fundamentals, engineering mathematics and skills required to solve engineering problems and also pursue higher studies & research in various fields.


To mould all the aspiring students to be proficient to achieve success in the competitive world.


Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Well equipped laboratory with all necessary instruments as per syllabus of Savitribai Phule Pune University. This is lab availed w ...

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Engineering Physics

1. Well equipped laboratory with all necessary instruments as per syllabus of Savitribai Phule Pune University.
2. Recognize t ...

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Engineering Chemistry

Well equipped laboratory with all necessary instruments as per syllabus of Savitribai Phule Pune University. Safety equipments ar ...

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Basic Electronics Engineering Laboratory

All basic electronic devices and their characteristics, applications can be studied. Using these devices the small electronic circ ...

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 1. FE Engineering Science Course Outcomes (2019)

 2. FE Engineering Science Course Outcomes (2024)

First year Engineering Students Association (FESA) is a body of student members of First Year Engineering of all the divisions in the department, was established on 28/10/2017. Dr. A.B.Auti Director JSPM NTC was invited by FE Coordinator of the department Mr.S.S.Divekar along with President of the FESA to inaugurate the activity. Prof. Amol Gore appointed as Faculty Coordinator and student representative of each division of FE were selected as core team members.
Cultural activities were celebrated to build strong relation between faculty and students of FE. Students participated in various activities such as Singing, Dance. Few students expressed their views about FESA.

1. To advance the education and social development of its members and students of the college as a whole.
2. To represent the interests of its members and act as a channel of communication in dealing with the college and other bodies.
3. To promote and protect the welfare of its members.
4. To promote, encourage and co-ordinate student clubs, societies, sports and social activities
5. To provide a mechanism for liaison with other Student Associations.

Sr. No Name of Student Name of Post Div
1 Gade Smith President C
2 Bhongale Yash Vice- President E
3 Borse Aditi Secretary D
Kale Abhishek B
4 Dammewar Om Vice- Secretary B
Baikar Sanika G
5 Prabhu Indrajit Treasurer A
Deshmukh Ishwari B
6 Kamble Kartiki Vice – Treasurer F
Kadam Yash D
7 Prakash Vansh Cultural Committee F
Munje Varad E
Balkawde Tanishqa E
8 Ohal Harshad Sport Committee D
Dukare Pranav G
Kumbhar Karuna F
9 Chavan Pratik Discipline Committee F
Hire Parth A
Bhambare Sushant C
Jadhav Himanshu G
Ramani Heenal A