JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Narhe, Pune

Accredited by NAAC With an 'A' Grade
Institute Code : 6755
S No 12-1-2 and 12-2-2 Narhe, Taluka- Haveli, Near Sanas Crane, Pune-Bangalore Highway, Pune, Maharashtra 411041
Landmark: Navale Bridge, Behind Swami-narayan Temple Narhe
Approved By AICTE & Affiliated To Savitribai Phule Pune University.


General Information

A library is a location on a site where you can create, collect, update, and manage files of members. Each library displays a list of files and key information about the files, which helps people to use the files to work together.

Institute has a well-planned library having total area of 682.81m2 with a huge collection of books, Journals, e-journals and e-databases. JSPM NTCs library is a central library for Engineering UG - PG, MBA and MCA, established with Institution in 2011, situated at the first floor of the ‘A’ building of the college which is easily accessible for students and staff.
Library is automated using “Autolib” library software. Implemented barcode technology in the library for books and borrowers card.

General Information

Reading Hall:
Air Conditioned reading room available for users with 180 seating capacity.

Open Access:
Library provide open access ( open access - users can directly search/check the books from selves) to its entire collection like books; Print Journals and other material (news paper, question paper, Journals back issue, CDs). Library collection is organized through Dewey Decimal Classification scheme and proper selves guides are maintained.

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue):
OPAC has been provided to users, where users can search a library books and other materials available at a library. One computer is made available at the entrance of the library for this purpose


  • News paper:
1. Sakal
2. Loksatta,
3. Maharashtra Times
4. Times of India
5. Indian Express these papers are available in the library.

  • News Paper Clippings:
We provide paper clippings from the newspapers related to the interest of our institute .The Clippings are related to the subject area of their relevance. We also display clippings on the notice board.

  • Employment News:
For the information about employment, “Employment news” is also available in the library.

  • Question Paper:
University Question papers hard copy available in the library and soft copy available on college website http://jspmntc.edu.in/.

  • Print Journals:
Library subscribes print journals every year hard copy of journals with back issues are available in the library.

  • E-Resources access:
In-house/remote access to all subscribed and open access e-publications through IP authentication inside the campus. Digital library and Wi-Fi connectivity in the library makes it possible to access e-resources. (See -details under Digital Library)

  • Institutional Membership:
The Library also has membership of other libraries of reputed organizations like National Digital Library, DELNET (See -details under Digital Library) and British Library, for the benefit of the staff and students


Working days 8.15 am to 9.00 pm
On holidays (In Exams Only 9.00 am to 5.00 pm)
Before and during examination days 8.15 am to 12.00 midnight
During Vacation 8.15 am to 4.30 pm

Sr.No. Name Department Committee Designation
1 Mrs. Kadam A.M. First Year Engg. Chairman
2 Mr. Anap M.D. Civil Member
3 Mr. More S.R. Mechanical Member
4 Mr. Bhalekar S. D. Mechanical Member
5 Mrs. Kadam N. R. E & TC Member
6 Mrs. Patil D. R. Computer Member
7 Mr.Kumthekar N. D. MCA Member
8 Dr. Gupta Yogita MBA Member
9 Mr. Kakade Abhijeet E&TC Student Member
10 Mr. Jane Vaibhav Mechanical Student Member
11 Mrs. Thakare R. S. Library Member Secretary

Library Rules & Regulations for Students:

1. Entire library is primarily intended for the students & staff of this college.
2. All students are expected to maintain silence in the library.
3. Personal belongings are not allowed in stack room, reference section.
4. Eatables are not allowed inside the library.
5. Students are not permitted to sit in library during their lectures & practical hours.
6. Following things are not permitted, folding the corners of pages, making underlining or highlighting the content/text matter, tearing out the pages, writing with pen or pencil on pages.
7. One library card will enable the student member to barrow minimum three books at a time. He /She will responsible for the books borrowed on his/ her card.
8. Books are issued for one week and reissued once. If a student fails to return book/s on before return due, he/she will be liable for a fine @ Rs.5/- per day per book.
9. Books are issued for 15 days for ME Student and not reissued.
10. If book lost by borrowers or damaged as to be unserviceable for future use, a sum Equal to the cost of procuring another copy of the book will be recovered.
11. Reference books, Journals / Magazines will not be issued outside the library. It will be issued to refer in library’s reference section only during library working hours.
12. Loss of library card shall be intimated to librarian in writing by mentioning their previous card details. Duplicate card will be issued at the cost of Rs. 50/- after verification.
13. Any book is lost or damaged as to be unserviceable for future use, they have to replace the same book with new edition.
14. No dues certificate will be given only after returning all books.

Library Rules & Regulations for Staff:

1. Staff to fill Library Registration form and get permission from the director to avail library facility.
2. Teaching staff are allowed to take 07 (Seven) books at a time. Books will be issued for a semester.
3. Staffs have to come personally to exchange the books. No books will be issued through anybody hales.
4. Current issue of journals cannot be issued outside the library to staff
5. Reference books or the books that are in single copy will be issued subject to the condition that they will be returned promptly in seven days or called by librarian of JSPM NTC.
6. If during the period of issue to a staff any book is lost or damaged as to be unserviceable for future use, they have to replace the same book with new edition.
7. New books can be issued after completion of technical processing.
8. Rules could be revised and added if required and will be informed to staff.
9. No dues certificate will be given only after returning all books.


# Staff Name Designation Qualification  
1 Mrs. Rekha Sunil Thakare Librarian M. Lib & I Sc. NET  
2 Ms. Sayali Sham Narkar Assistant Librarian B.Sc. M.Lib  
3 Mr. Umesh M. Gaikwad Assistant Librarian M.A. M.Lib