JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Narhe, Pune

Accredited by NAAC With an 'A' Grade
Institute Code : 6755
S No 12-1-2 and 12-2-2 Narhe, Taluka- Haveli, Near Sanas Crane, Pune-Bangalore Highway, Pune, Maharashtra 411041
Landmark: Navale Bridge, Behind Swami-narayan Temple Narhe
Approved By AICTE & Affiliated To Savitribai Phule Pune University.


Research environment and support at the Institute

Research environment and support at the Institute

Resrearch at JSPM Narhe Technical Campus is nurtured through integration of various academic programs run by the departments and sponsered projects by natrional organizations and industry. In order to provide suitable environment for research, the Institute has established Internal Research Cell (IRC). The Institute promotes students/faculties/staff for research work and if needed, full/partial financial is provided for indentiofied projects.

To meet todays and future requirement of globe, Insititute believes in interdescplinary research and the same is promoted through various projects/seminars across various departments. to enrich the students/facultiesd knowledge, various activities related to the research, Institute conducts conferences/workshops etc. Also, under a scheme National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) a joint initiative of the IITs and IISc, local chapter is established in the Institute through which any member can learn and get certified in various domain.

Objectives of IRC

  • 1. To nurture research encouraging ambience in the Institute
  • 2. Establishment of center of excellence
  • 3. To promote interdisciplinary research in the Institute
  • 4. To promote collaboration with Industry, research organization and institutes for research oriented projects/consultancy
  • 5. To encourage faculty and students to apply Patents and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Goal of IRC

  • Goal of IRC is to meet regional, national and global need through integration of academics and research in line with institutional goals.
  • Policy for Research and Consultancy Projects
  • To impart research culture in the Institute, Management has introduced a unique scheme by rewarding whole revenue generated to the faculty.

Policies for Publications

  • 1. Affiliation must be JSPM NTC
  • 2. Journal must be at least UGC approved