JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Narhe, Pune

Accredited by NAAC With an 'A' Grade
Institute Code : 6755
S No 12-1-2 and 12-2-2 Narhe, Taluka- Haveli, Near Sanas Crane, Pune-Bangalore Highway, Pune, Maharashtra 411041
Landmark: Navale Bridge, Behind Swami-narayan Temple Narhe
Approved By AICTE & Affiliated To Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Student's Association

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1. Create, organize, promote and enrich the social, cultural, recreational, educational programs, services and environment for students of the College.
2. Develop a sense of community among students and other groups within the College.
3. Promote general welfare of students and the furtherance of post-secondary education consistent with the purpose of the College.
4. Promote and represent students' issues and interest in relation to the College.


1. The obvious benefit of joining a student society is the impact it will have on your social life. You will meet people who share an interest with you, and you will widen your social network beyond your course and the people you live with.
2. However, there are also real gains in terms of your employability - the skills, qualities and knowledge you offer to prospective employers, which suggest that you will successfully adapt to life as a graduate in the workplace.
3. There are three main categories of student society. Best known are the sports societies, which often involve inter-university competitions. Then there are subject-based societies, which enable you to extend your academic knowledge more informally, through guest speakers, field trips and extra-curricular projects.
4. Finally, there are the societies which don’t fit either category (like musical instruments), and might involve setting up a business or working in the local community.
5. While each offers its own benefits, all student societies give you a great chance to enhance your employability, and it’s never too late to join.The obvious benefit of joining a student society is the impact it will have on your social life. You will meet people who share an interest with you, and you will widen your social network beyond your course and the people you live with.

Computer Engineering

The purpose computer engineering students association at the College of JSPM NTC is to provide a structure through which students may exercise their right to freely associate in pursuit of a common purpose or goal that enhances community at JSPM NTC. ACES create opportunities for leadership development, learning, student engagement, and fostering of shared interests. Create, organize, promote and enrich the social, cultural, recreational, educational programs, services and environment for students of the College of the Rockies. Develop a sense of community among students and other groups within the Department. Promote and represent students' issues and interest in relation to the Department

Mechanical Engineering

MESA is JSPM NTC Mechanical Student association. The MESA was formed to bring about the technical development of students by organizing seminars, workshops and other activities and also to improve non technical abilities of students by engendering good communication skills, managerial abilities, presentation skills and team work.

E&TC Engineering

The inception of Students Forum came from the concept that the students themselves should be able to come up with the ideas and organize the activities which would be beneficial to them. Student Forum is a student organization at the department Level. It is entirely managed by the students under the staff’s guidance. It is responsible for arranging all the Technical, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in the department. The Electronics & Telecommunication Students Association (ETSA) has been established by the students in session 2013-2014. Student’s forum is run by students for the students.

Civil Engineering

The Civil Engineering Students Association also known as CESA at JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune. Civil Engineering Student association is a non-profitable organization within the department of the Civil Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune. The members of the association include the second year engineering students, third year engineering students, final year engineering students, association faculty coordinators, Head of the Department (HOD) of the Civil Engineering department. The Association is working together to help and facilitate the overall development of students pursuing Civil Engineering at JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune. CESA provides platform for the students to showcase and sharpen student's talents through a variety of events and activities planned throughout the year.

Engineering Science

First year Engineering Students Association (FESA) is a body of student members of First Year Engineering of all the divisions in the department, was established on 28/10/2017. Dr. A.B.Auti Director JSPM NTC was invited by FE Coordinator of the department Dr.S.D.Kore along with President of the FESA to inaugurate the activity. Prof. Amol Gore appointed as Faculty Coordinator and student representative of each division of FE were selected as core team members. Cultural activities were celebrated to build strong relation between faculty and students of FE. Students participated in various activities such as Singing, Dance. Few students expressed their views about FESA.