JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Narhe, Pune

Accredited by NAAC With an 'A' Grade
Institute Code : 6755
S No 12-1-2 and 12-2-2 Narhe, Taluka- Haveli, Near Sanas Crane, Pune-Bangalore Highway, Pune, Maharashtra 411041
Landmark: Navale Bridge, Behind Swami-narayan Temple Narhe
Approved By AICTE & Affiliated To Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Master of Computer Applications

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Master of Computer Application

A warm and affectionate welcome from the Department of Master of Computer Applications, The Department of Master of Computer Applications at Narhe campus, offers Master of Computer Applications . The Department is highly qualified, motivated and experienced faculty members. The MCA Programme is started to nurture graduate students with a high level of professional performance and high employability prospects. MCA Department at Narhe campus has produced hundreds of professionals and has established a name for itself in the country and abroad. Our Alumni have consistently excelled in the highly competitive industrial environment, Best Employer/ awards in top-ranking companies. I attribute this success to the winning combination of a dedicated faculty that works hard at imparting quality education in the students.

The department has established its reputation by achieving almost 100% result for the entire pass out batches with many University Ranks. Amazing placements record and 100% placement assurance by providing training in soft skills, personnel development activities and team building. Department has state-of-the art labs supporting the curricula and designed to bring best out of students. The Department has a unique blend of quality conscious staff members with a strong sense of ethical and professional responsibility. The students are prepared to face the challenges of software industry with the help of competent faculties and quality infrastructure of departmental laboratories. Students, Infrastructure and Faculty are the three pillars of our growth. We’ve found that the majority of students continue to stay in touch with their teachers – calling for advice or to share success from all corners of the globe.
The Department offers various add-on training, placement drives and foundation programmes to inculcate a culture of teamwork and leadership qualities for achieving excellence in every walk of life. We always work with the motto "Nothing can be achieved without genuine effort." The core values of the department help the students to develop their overall personality and make them worthy technocrat to compete and work at global level.
I am certain that our students will prove to be a valuable asset to an organization.


Dr. Sanjay Sahebrao Solanki


MCA, Ph.D.


Prof. Deepika Abhay Sarwate

Assistant Professor



Prof. Ashwini Milind Tekale

Assistant Professor



Prof. Ravindra Shaligram Ingle

Assistant Professor



Prof. Dhanashri Rajendra Abhang

Assistant Professor



Prof. Anuradha Nivruti Hajare

Assistant Professor



To be the source of bringing out globally competent pioneering computing professionals,researchers,innovators and entrepreneurs and thereby contribute valuable resource for industry and society and remain a source of pride for all Indians.


Providing a strong theoretical and practical background across the computer science discipline with an emphasis on software development,so that they can take up various challenges in the field of computer applications.


Java Lab

This lab contains Esys Wizard PC Intel DC 2.8GHZ/1GB DDR2 RAM ,320GB Hard Disk , Monitor 18.5” LCD ,Keyboard , mouse. ope ...

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Project Lab

This lab contains Esys Wizard PC Intel DC 3.00GHZ/1GB DDR2 RAM ,500GB Hard Disk , Monitor 18.5” LCD , Cabinet/SMPS,Keyboa ...

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Self Learning Laboratory

This lab contains Esys Wizard PC Intel DC 2.8GHZ/1GB DDR2 RAM ,320GB Hard Disk , Monitor 18.5” LCD , Keyboard , mouse. Op ...

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Department MCA 2020 Pattern
Class & Semester Subject & Code Cos Course Outcomes
FY SEM I Java Programming(IT11) CO1 Understand Basic Concepts of OOPs, Java, Inheritance, Package. (Understand)
  CO2 Understand Exception handling, arrays and Strings and multi-threading in Java (Understand.)
  CO3 Understand collection framework (Understand)
  CO4 Develop GUI using Abstract Windows Toolkit (AWT) and event handling (Apply)
  CO5 Develop Web application using JSP and Servlet, JDBC (Apply)
Data Structure & Algorithms(IT12) CO1 demonstrate linear data structures linked list, stack and queue (apply)
  CO2 implement tree, graph, hash table and heap data structures (apply)
  CO3 apply brute force and backtracking techniques (apply)
  CO4 demonstrate greedy and divide-conquer approaches (apply)
  CO5 implement dynamic programming technique (apply)
Object Oriented Software Engineering(IT13) CO1 Distinguish different process model for a software development. (Understand)
  CO2 Design software requirements specification solution for a given problem definitions of a software system. (Analyze)
  CO3 Apply software engineering analysis/design knowledge to suggest solutions for simulated problems (Analyze)
  CO4 Design user interface layout for different types of applications (Apply)
  CO5 Recognize and describe current trends in software engineering (Understand)
Operating System Concepts(IT14) CO1 Understand structure of OS, process management and synchronization. (Understand)
  CO2 Understand multicore and multiprocessing OS. (Understand)
  CO3 explain Realtime and embedded OS (Understand)
  CO4 understand Windows and Linux OS fundamentals and administration. (Understand)
  CO5 solve shell scripting problems (Apply)
Network Technologies(IT15) CO1 Understand the basic concepts of Computer Network, and principle of layering (Understand)
  CO2 Apply the error detection and correction techniques used in data transmission (Apply)
  CO3 Apply IP addressing schemes and sub netting (Apply)
  CO4 Understand the concept of routing protocols, Application layer protocols and Network Security (Understand)
  CO5 Apply the socket programming basics to create a simple chat application (Apply)
Practicals(IT11L) CO1 Demonstrate Collection framework (Apply)
  CO2 Develop GUI using awt and swing (Apply)
  CO3 Develop Web application using JSP and Servlet, JDBC (Apply)
  CO4 Apply Data Structure to solve problems using JavaScript (Apply)
Mini Project(ITC11) CO1 Create working project using tools and techniques learnt in this semester (Create)
FY SEM II Python Programming(IT21) CO1 Understand Demonstrate the concepts of python and modular programming. (Understand)
  CO2 Apply the concepts of concurrency control in python (Apply)
  CO3 Solve the real-life problems using object-oriented concepts and python libraries (Apply)
  CO4 Demonstrate the concept of IO, Exception Handling, database (Apply)
  CO5 Analyze the given dataset and apply the data analysis concepts and data visualization. (Analyze)
Software Project Management(IT22) CO1 Understand the process of Software Project Management Framework and Apply estimation techniques. (Apply)
  CO2 Learn the philosophy, principles and lifecycle of an agile project. (Understand)
  CO3 Demonstrate Agile Teams and Tools and Apply agile project constraints and trade-offs for estimating project size and schedule (Apply)
  CO4 Explain Project Tracking and Interpretation of Progress Report (Understand)
  CO5 Analyze Problem statement and evaluate User Stories (Analyze)
Optimazation Techniques(MT21) CO1 Understand the role and principles of optimization techniques in business world (Understand)
  CO2 Demonstrate specific optimization technique for effective decision making (Apply)
  CO3 Apply the optimization techniques in business environments (Apply)
  CO4 Illustrate and infer for the business scenario (Analyze)
  CO5 Analyze the optimization techniques in strategic planning for optimal gain. (Analyze)
Advanced Internet Technologies(IT23) CO1 Outline the basic concepts of Advance Internet Technologies (Understand)
  CO2 Design appropriate user interfaces and implements webpage based on given problem Statement (Apply)
  CO3 Implement concepts and methods of NodeJS (Apply)
  CO4 Implement concepts and methods of Angular (Apply)
  CO5 Build Dynamic web pages using server-side PHP programming with Database Connectivity (Apply)
Advanced DBMS(IT24) CO1 Describe the core concepts of DBMS and various databases used in real applications (Understand)
  CO2 Design relational database using E-R model and normalization (Apply)
  CO3 : Demonstrate XML database and nonprocedural structural query languages for data access (Apply)
  CO4 Explain concepts of Parallel, Distributed and Object-Oriented Databases and their applications (Understand)
  CO5 Apply transaction management, recovery management, backup and security – privacy concepts for database applications (Apply)
Practicals(IT21L) CO1 implement python programming concepts for solving real life problems. (Apply)
  CO2 Implement Advanced Internet Technologies (Apply)
Mini Project(ITC21) CO1 Create working project using tools and techniques learnt in this semester (Create)
SY SEM I Mobile Application Development(IT31) CO1 Understand Various Mobile Application Architectures. (Understand)
  CO2 Apply different types of widgets and Layouts. (Apply)
  CO3 Describe Web Services and Web Views in mobile applications. (Understand)
  CO4 Implement data storing and retrieval methods in android. (Apply)
  CO5 Demonstrate Hybrid Mobile App Framework. (Apply)
Data Warehousing & Data Mining(IT32) CO1 Understand Data warehouse concepts, architecture and models (Understand)
  CO2 Learn and understand techniques of preprocessing on various kinds of data (Understand)
  CO3 Apply association Mining and Classification Techniques on Data Sets (Apply)
  CO4 Apply Clustering Techniques and Web Mining on Data Sets (Apply)
  CO5 Understand other approaches of Data mining (Understand)
Software Testing & Quality Assurance(IT33) CO1 Understand the role of software quality assurance in contributing to the efficient delivery of software solutions. (Understand)
  CO2 Demonstrate specific software tests with well-defined objectives and targets. (Apply)
  CO3 Apply the software testing techniques in commercial environments. (Apply)
  CO4 Construct test strategies and plans for software testing. (Analyze)
  CO5 Demonstrate the usage of software testing tools for test effectiveness, efficiency and coverage (Apply)
Knowledge Representation & Artificial Intelligence:ML,DL(IT34) CO1 Understand basic building block of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation. (Understand)
  CO2 Apply Propositional Logic for knowledge representation. (Apply)
  CO3 Design various models based on Machine Learning methodology (Apply)
  CO4 Design various models based on Deep Learning methodology (Apply)
  CO5 Understand various hardware and software aspect used for AI and its application. (Understand)
Cloud Computing(IT35) CO1 Describe the concepts of Cloud Computing and its Service Models& Deployment Models.
  CO2 Classify the types of Virtualization. (Understand)
  CO3 Describe the Cloud Management and relate Cloud to SOA. (Understand)
  CO4 Interpret Architecture and Pharrell Programing of Cloud Computing. (Apply)
  CO5 Demonstrate practical implementation of Cloud computing. (Apply)
Practicals(IT31L) CO1 Develop mobile application. (Apply)
  CO2 Develop ML, DL models using Python (Apply)
Mini Project(ITC31) CO1 Create working project using tools and techniques learnt in this semester (Create)
SY SEM II DevOpsIIT41) CO1 describe the evolution of technology & timeline (Understand)
  CO2 explain Introduction to various Devops platforms (Remember)
  CO3 demonstrate the building components / blocks of Devops and gain an insight of the Devops Architecture. (Understand)
  CO4 apply the knowledge gain about Devops approach across various domains (Apply)
  CO5 build DevOps application (Apply)
PPM&OB(BM41) CO1 Describe and analyze the interactions between multiple aspects of management. (Understand)
  CO2 Analyze the role of planning and decision making in Organization (Analyze)
  CO3 Justify the role of leadership qualities, Motivation and Team Building. (Analyze)
  CO4 Analyze stress management and conflict management (Analyze)
  CO5 Describe Personality and Individual Behavior (Understand)
Project(ITC41) CO1 Create working project using tools and techniques learnt in the programme (Create)
Department MCA 2024 Pattern
Class & Semester Subject & Code Cos Course Outcomes
Semester I IT11: Python Programming CO1 To learn and apply basic constructs of python such as data, operations, conditions, loops, data types
  CO2 To understand advanced concepts of python and apply it for solving complex problems.
  CO3 To develop Python programs that incorporate OOPS concept, regular expressions and multithreading for complex problem-solving and performance enhancement.
  CO4 To implement various types of database operations in MongoDB.
  CO5 To develop comprehensive web applications using Django Framework.
IT12: Data Structure and Algorithms CO1 Implement linear data structures and its various real time applications
  CO2 Demonstrate linked list data structure and its types
  CO3 Demonstrate dynamic linear data structures like stack, queue and analyze their various applications.
  CO4 Implement techniques of Non-Linear data structures like Tree and Graph
  CO5 Demonstrate and compare various approaches of Searching, Sorting, Hashing and Heaps
IT13: Advanced DBMS CO1 Demonstrating the concept of fundamentals of relational database systems include: data models, database & DDBS architectures, and ER features.
  CO2 Understand the concepts of transaction concurrency control, Query Processing and Security aspects
  CO3 Apply SQL & NoSQL development tools on different types of Schemas.
  CO4 Demonstrate database design and Computation techniques for parallel and distributed database Technology
  CO5 Implement Real Time applications using Database tools.
MT14: Business Statistics CO1 Understand the role and importance of statistics in business decision-making.
  CO2 Apply measures of central tendency and dispersion to summarize data
  CO3 Understand basic probability concepts and rules.
  CO4 Apply correlation and regression techniques to analyze relationships between variables
  CO5 Apply time series analysis techniques to forecast business trends.
IT 14 : Software Engineering and Project Management CO1 Apply concepts, principles of software engineering to develop comprehensive Software Requirement Specification
  CO2 Use software engineering analysis and design modelling technique to represent systems.
  CO3 Illustrate Software Project Management models for effective plan, manage and enhance projects.
  CO4 Implement Agile methodologies to enhance project adaptability and responsiveness to changing requirements
  CO5 Employ Agile tools effectively to manage, navigate and facilitate collaboration and streamline project workflows in software development.
EC11 -1: Fundamentals of Cloud Computing CO1 Describe the concepts of Cloud Computing, Dockers and Container.
  CO2 Explore the various Cloud Service Models and Deployment Models.
  CO3 Implement concepts, hypervisors, virtual machines, VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V, and Open-Source Virtualization Manager
  CO4 Describe the Cloud Architecture and relate Cloud to SOA along with SLA management, cloud bursting strategies.
  CO5 Compare different Cloud Platforms – AWS, GCP, IBM Cloud.
EC11-2: Web Development CO1 Design appropriate user interfaces by implementing new features of HTML5
  CO2 Design user interfaces and implement CSS3 features
  CO3 Demonstrate the concept of responsive web design and its importance
  CO4 Build Dynamic web pages using server-side PHP programming
  CO5 Develop and deploy web application
EC11-3: Fundamental of Data Science CO1 Understand the core concepts, techniques and methodologies used in data science
  CO2 Apply Computational Mathematics concepts to solve datarelated problems effectively.
  CO3 Apply the principles of data collection, cleaning, and preprocessing.
  CO4 Perform exploratory data analysis using Numpy and Pandas to derive insights from datasets.
  CO5 Apply the strategies for visualizing the data.
EC11-4: Introduction to Cyber Security CO1 Understanding the knowledge of cybercrimes, cyber security and cyber-attacks, vulnerabilities, techniques
  CO2 Illustrate the security aspects of social media, network platforms and ethical aspects associated with use of social media
  CO3 Articulate the importance of personal data theft, financial frauds and identify data privacy and security
  CO4 Apply existing legal framework and laws on cyber security.
  CO5 Understand the need of information security, standards and polices
  CO1 Demonstrate Basics of Python and OOPs concepts.
  CO2 Demonstrate CRUD Operation using MongoDB
IT11L: Practical CO3 Design and Develop web application using DJango
  CO4 Implement Linear data structure like stack, queue and
Linked list and demonstrate various searching and
sorting techniques
  CO5 Implement various operation of non-Linear data structure like Tree and Graph
ITC11 - Mini Project CO1 Apply knowledge of software engineering principles and methodologies in designing and implementing the project
  CO2 Demonstrate the ability to develop a functioning software application or solution that meets specified requirements and objectives
  CO3 Design comprehensive documentation that includes project requirements, design specifications, implementation details, testing strategies, and user manuals

An ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems.
Demonstrate professional excellence in industry, public service or academia with strong skills in problem analysis, solution design and application development with a commitment to lifelong learning.
Be Committed to work in teams with different cultures and disciplines and evolve as leaders in their roles.

PO1: Computing Knowledge
Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, computing specialization, mathematics, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing specialization to the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models from defined problems and requirements.
PO2: Problem Analysis
Identify, formulate, research literature, and solve complex Computing problems reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of Mathematics, Computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines.
PO3: Design & Development
Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Research & Development
Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5: Prompt Tool Usage
Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: Ethical Practices
Understand and commit to professional ethics and cyber regulations, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice.
PO7: Lifelong Learning
Recognize the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual development as a Computing professional.
PO8: Professional Skills
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of computing and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments
PO9: Communication Skills
Communicate effectively with the computing community, and with society at large, about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions.
PO10: Societal Contribution
Understand and assess societal, environmental, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice.
PO11: Teamwork & Leadership
Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Innovation & Sustainability
Identify a timely opportunity and using innovation to pursue that opportunity to create value and wealth for the betterment of the individual and society at large.