JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Narhe, Pune

Accredited by NAAC With an 'A' Grade
Institute Code : 6755
S No 12-1-2 and 12-2-2 Narhe, Taluka- Haveli, Near Sanas Crane, Pune-Bangalore Highway, Pune, Maharashtra 411041
Landmark: Navale Bridge, Behind Swami-narayan Temple Narhe
Approved By AICTE & Affiliated To Savitribai Phule Pune University.

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Applied Theromodynamics

Applied Theromodynamics

This lab express various Setups & Models of Engines like 4-Stroke Petrol & Diesel Engine . Students are performing trial on these Engines for calculating various parameters of Engine like Brake power, BSFC, Heat Balance Sheet etc. In this lab also present models of Carburetor, Fuel Injector , Ignition System , Calorimeters etc.
Separating and Throttling Calorimeter, Flash/Pour/Cloud Point Apparatus, Cut Section of IC Engine, Cut Section of Carburetor, Gas Calorimeter, Bomb Calorimeter, Orsat Apparatus, VCR Diesel Engine Test Set up, Petrol Engine Test Set up, Exhaust Gas Analyser, Electronic Ignition System, Air Compressor Test Setup, Cut Section MPFL System, CNG System Model, Electric System of Two Wheeler, Cut Section of Rear Wheel Drive Vehical (JEEP)
SE - 1st Sem & SE - 2nd Sem