Engineering Metallurgy (EM)
The first step in metallurgical analysis is test sample preparation. Samples are prepared in our metallurgical lab using precision cutting, mounting, grinding and polishing techniques, as well as etching when required. Metallurgical analysis can be done by using a wide range of microscopic and macroscopic examination methods, micro hardness testing and state-of-the-art equipment. Metallurgical analysis findings and results can be find out with the help of optical magnification capabilities from 100X to 1000X.
Izod Charpy Impact Hardness Test Machine, Hot Mounting Machhine, Microscope And Image Analysis Setup, Muffel Furnace, Dye Prentrant Test Setup, Poldi Hardness Test Setup, Vickers Hardness Test , Rockwell Cum Brinell Hardness Test, Ultra Sonic Flow Meter, Jeminey Qunch Test, Double Disk Polishing Machine, Grinding Machine
SE-1st & 2nd sem
Metrology and Quality Control
Students will learn following things- Measurement Techniques, measuring tools, methods, least count of measuring tools, quality techniques, selection of proper quality charts etc.
Floating Carriage Micrometer, Granite Surface Plate, Monochromatic Light Source, Dial Indicator, Tool Maker microscope, Profile Projector, Dial Calibration Tester, Surface Roughness Tester, Cast Iron Angle Plate, Autocollimator
TE-1st Sem